• I know blog'n n I know Sex...I also know relatioships....I have the answers 2 all ur fuk'n wildest fuk'n questions...I have lived the truth and noth'n but the truth, about the sexual games people play  24/7 a year. I have layed next to your man, n he explained it all in great detail, after the dirty, dirty of course...yeah! that's call'd pillow talk baby! so let's get this hot n wet shit started!  let me not only show you what i know, let me show you what you want to know! or just allow me to tell you what your man or woman really needs you to know or for that matter what you need to say! Let's play a lil' game I have play'd so many times over n over again!.... it's caled the !GAME!  if you give me a chance i will take you to the out'r limits of the G Spot along with the directions to the know how to keep your partner on the edge of not being able to their clothes on them selves or you! You will have to leave your house to get away n even then you' won't b able 2 keep ur mind on anything but your partner! this is not a gift people this is a Learn'd behavior that I now have the know how to in detail.......lBaby Girl is Game! R U Game? Let's Play, Playa'



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